Jimmy's Birthday Bash with Guitar Rumble!
Back by popular demand! On April 5 the five-piece powerhouse made in Canada combo Guitar Rumble will perform an explosive mix of Blues, Rockabilly and Rock and Roll. Music starts at 8:00 pm and tickets start at $25.00.
Back by popular demand! Guitar Rumble is returning to High Note Bar & Grill, this time to celebrate Jimmy's birthday. Their last show at the Edmonton Blues Society's (sold-out) Winter Festival in February was such a blast, they are very stoked to do it again. Joining Jimmy, Bobby and Pete on guitars are Scotty Anderson on drums and Mike Lent on bass making a formidable five-piece powerhouse made in Canada combo.
Tickets are $25 in advance (and NO TARIFFS) and ready to be picked up now from Jimmy or High Note directly. Online ticket purchases are available through Eventbrite. Please note, advance tickets are in limited quantity and sold out last time, so act now and assure your chance to attend.
There will be a limited number of tix held back and available at the door for $30. We will also accept e-transfers for advance tix if you prefer, reach out.
Guitar Rumble offers an explosive mix of Blues, Rockabilly and Rock and Roll led by three veteran guitarists Jimmy Guiboche, Bobby Cameron and Pete Turland with Mike Lent and Scotty Anderson rounding out the quintet.
We look forward to seeing you again…
* Note
Table reservations can be made for groups of 4 or more advance tickets purchased. Table reservations are limited, so don't hesitate if you have a group. Last time they were filled before showtime. Contact High Note Bar and Grill at +1 (587) 460-7121.
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Jimmy's Birthday Bash with Guitar Rumble!